Alishan Small Leaf Type Black Tea Tasting Notes | Eco-Cha Tea Club
Batch 83 of the Eco-Cha Tea Club is an Alishan Small Leaf Type Black Tea made from summer harvest of the Jin Xuan/ Tai Cha #12 hybrid strain. The new growth was plucked when it was still young and tender, providing premium leaf material for making Small Leaf Type Black Tea.
We tried several summer batches of Small Leaf Type Black Tea in our search for a premium representative of this tea type, and this batch of Alishan Jin Xuan from our regular source was our pick of choice. Small Leaf Type Black Tea offers a particularly aromatic and vibrant brew for a Black Tea. It has a tangy, fruity character with a lighter, more aromatic delivery of the classic malty Black Tea profile.
Even in these tall, conical shaped cups we can see a transparent and bright appearance, with substantial viscosity. The aromatic profile that Small Leaf Type Tea strains offer in the broad spectrum of Oolong Teas that they are mostly crafted as comes through in their character as a Black Tea as well.
Both the dried leaves and the brewed leaves portray skillful and careful processing of the leaves in that they were rolled sufficiently enough to expose their juices to the air to attain uniform oxidation while maintaining as much of their structural integrity as possible. Watch the tasting video for the full scoop on the flavor profile and background story of this edition of the Eco-Cha Tea Club!
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