Award-Winning Alishan High Mountain Oolong Tea | Eco-Cha Tea Club

Batch 105 of the Eco-Cha Tea Club is a spring 2024 Award-Winning Alishan High Mountain Oolong Tea. This batch of tea was entered into the Alishan Farmers' Association Qing Xin Oolong competition and ranked within the top 36% of all entries. Our source who entered it was not totally satisfied with this ranking, and felt it should have achieved a higher award. He was tentatively planning on removing the tea from its award-winning packaging and storing it to enter into the next competition, for which he would need to pay the entry feed a second time. That's where we seized the opportunity to buy the batch in full and offer it to the tea club! Check the tasting notes blogpost for a full commentary and tasting video on how this tea brews up in your cup!

We've sat at this table throughout the years to taste the seasonal harvests that are processed in this factory. In the photo above, we brought our tea mentor and Taiwanese big brother along for the ride, since he is now retired from the Lugu Farmers' Association. Tony was curious to see the factory that produces the most award-winning tea in the world's largest Oolong Tea competition that was the focus of his career for 40 years or so. We work with the second son of the factory, and source tea from him consistently for many years now.

It's uncanny to the point embarrassment, how often we end up arriving at the factory about one hour before lunch, have a tea tasting session, and then get invited into the family kitchen for lunch! In the photo above, we are sitting with the two brothers, dad, and father-in-law. Dad happens to be one of the among the most in-demand tea producers on the island. The brothers are the sales reps. Mom supervises farm management, Dad supervises the factory. Their success has not altered their country hospitality. We are touched every time we visit by their simple, authentic niceness.

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