Li Shan High Mountain Oolong Tea | Eco-Cha Tea Club
View from the highest elevation tea factory in Lishan, Taiwan
While choosing batches of tea each month for the Eco-Cha Tea Club is mostly about finding an unusually distinct batch of tea that is not generally available on the market, we also make an effort to maintain variability in the monthly editions — with the goal of continually offering a different character of tea from month to month. In addition, we want to represent Taiwan's renowned specialty teas that are unmatched elsewhere.
On the farm at our source of Lishan High Mountain Oolong Tea
As we transition from summer into fall, depending on which part of the globe we are on... we feel like it's timely to share a batch of tea that embodies a lush summer character. Especially since Taiwan recovered from a year-long drought during the second flush growing season. So, we are offering Taiwan's most prestigious name in High Mountain Tea — representing a tea type that has put Taiwan on the global map of specialty tea production.
We're also inspired to share this particular batch of tea to offer an example of an exemplary batch of tea being produced from a second flush, or summer harvest. In Taiwan, spring harvest is held in highest esteem — especially in the last decade or more. Climate change has affected the previously predictable seasonal weather patterns, and it's become increasingly meaningful tea assess each seasonal harvest independently — not relying on historical evidence of what comprises a premium batch of tea.
View from Lishan Town, Heping Township, Taiwan.
The climate in the Lishan region is strikingly different from other tea producing regions. At 2000m elevation, and a valley situated in a direction that allows the north-easterly wind patterns to offer drastic diurnal temperature variations — tea leaves produced here are of a different caliber. We are thrilled to be sharing a batch of tea from the area that really is most impressive in terms of its "high mountain" character!
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