Li Shan High Mountain Oolong Tea Tasting Notes | Eco-Cha Tea Club

Batch 107 of the Eco-Cha Tea Club is a fall 2024 harvest of Li Shan High Mountain Oolong Tea. Each time we've brewed these leaves, we've noted that the maturity of the leaf material at the time of harvest was ideal. We continue to experience how important this factor is in producing a premium quality high mountain tea. If the leaves are too young, they are small and tender and much more sensitive. They are more susceptible to being relatively bitter. If the leaves are too mature, they are more fibrous and less "juicy", producing a less substantial and complex brew. The difference of just a couple days can be significant. Timing of the harvest is an essential factor. Check our sourcing blogpost to learn more about this batch of tea.

The uniformity in both size and coloration of the dried leaves demomstrates the quality of leaf material on this day's harvest. There is a significant amount of stem material, but the stems are still slender and supple new growth. They have not become "woody" or fibrous with age. The second flush is the peak of the vegetation phase of the annual cycle in the tea trees. So the new "branches" are long and slender, to produce as much new leaf material as possible. Suppleness of stem material is essential in the processing of Oolong Tea, particularly in the wilting phase, where the water in the leaves must be depleted through their stems. Long, slow wilting through substantial, yet supple stems is prerequisite for uniform oxidation.

The brewed tea is a bright, limpid yellow — indicating that the proper oxidation was achieved by finesse in the overall processing. It's a fine example of Taiwan's renowned High Mountain Tea made by one of the most sought after producers on the island.
Watch the tasting video for the full story on this tea and how it brews up gong fu style!
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