November 13, 2014

Stretch Goal: Organic Tea Classroom

Thanks to the amazing generosity of our backers we have reached our original goal, but we still have many perks available!

This has enabled us to set a stretch goal that will provide a lasting contribution to the development of this new organic tea farm and hopefully, to the promotion of organic tea farming in Taiwan.

With an additional $5,000 we will repair a damaged cabin on Mr. Lin’s farm to create an educational space for students, farmers and others in the tea industry visiting the farm.

The cabin renovation will provide a simple field classroom for people interested in observing and learning about the development of his farm as a case study in sustainable organic tea farming in Taiwan. Small groups can tour the farm and discuss the topic of organic tea cultivation in Taiwan and the industry at large.


We will use the money to:

1. Remove and replace all the damaged and rotted wood on the exterior of the cabin.

2. Reinforce and level the cement foundation on the first floor.

3. Purchase classroom furniture and equipment to facilitate presentations and group discussion.


If we reach this stretch goal of $15,000 total all backers will receive additional/bonus items as part of their perk. So help us spread the word and let’s make it happen!


As a backer, this means more tea for everyone! What you get:

1. Every level backer gets their name on our thank you page.

2. Every $50 backer will get an additional medium box of Jin Xuan (Milk) Oolong.

3. Every $100 and up backer will get an additional large box of Jin Xuan (Milk) Oolong.

*You can upgrade your perks. e.g. two $25 perks can be turned into a $50.