Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan Oolong Summer 2020: Buttered Love
Eco-Cha's ongoing source of Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan Oolong produced an unusual crop of summer tea this year in that it was mildly affected by the Green Leafhopper. This resulted in a flavor profile that was distinctly different than our standard Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan Oolong. So we took a sample of this anomaly batch, and went straight across the valley to visit another factory to see what our options were. Here, we tasted a freshly harvested batch that was, in our experience, an exemplary batch of Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan Oolong. In fact, it was so good that we procured double the amount that we had initially intended! This is the second year in a row that we've sourced a summer batch of Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan Oolong that arguably surpasses the spring crop in quality!
This "across the valley" tea maker also happens to be our source of Lishan High Mountain Oolong. They leased a plot of tea in Lishan about 4 years ago, and bring their whole tea making crew up to Lishan on a seasonal basis to process their Lishan Tea.
It is a family run business that cooperates with several farmers in the neighborhood in Ruifeng Village of Meishan Township. They buy their neighbors' (of whom many are relatives) raw produce on a seasonal basis, and process it with the skills they've developed over the last 30 years of hands-on experience. They are a locally renowned source of high quality Alishan High Mountain Oolong Tea. They provide the farm products they want their farmers to use, along with farm management guidelines, to ensure the highest quality produce possible.
This batch of Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan Oolong summer 2020 harvest has a very pronounced buttery character. Starting with the leaves put into the pre-heated tea judging cup, they exuded a pronounced buttered toast/popcorn aroma. But the flavor profile is replete with an uncanny buttered popcorn note, it's almost unbelievable! How can tea leaves do this?! It's not only buttered popcorn either! There are distinct floral and vegetal notes that balance out the incredulous and delicious buttered popcorn flavor. OK, enough repetitive description! Click here to get your share.
And here's a tasting video for a closeup look and full explanation.
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