Eco-Cha Shares Tea At The First Annual Portland Tea Festival
The inaugural Tea Fest PDX was an overwhelming success — literally! The festival organizers prepared 1,500 cups like the one above that was the entry ticket to the event. Participants could fill their cups for free at the dozens of vendors presenting their goods. The cups were sold out by early afternoon! The hundreds of late comers were compelled to buy at least a tea cup to replace the substitute paper cups that were offered.
The cups seen above were on display by Friends Of Fire — a co-op of ceramicists specializing in wood-fired tea ware and other lifestyle pottery. Eco-Cha sent them a bunch of tea to brew in their tea wares and offer to the public. We offered all festival goers a coupon code to use on their next purchase of Eco-Cha tea. Below are some more shots of their tea wares on display at the festival.
Eco-Cha looks forward to further collaborations with these pioneering artists of fine wood-fired tea wares, and hopefully we will even get to make an appearance at Tea Fest PDX in years to come. To show our enthusiasm, we will share the coupon code here as well — it offers a single purchase 20% discount off anything in our store! Let's all work together in cultivating a global tea culture!