Li Shan High Mountain Oolong Spring Tea Is Here!
Our spring Li Shan High Mountain Oolong Tea is now in, completing the final installment of our spring 2020 Taiwan High Mountain Teas! Read on to find out more about this spring batch of Li Shan High Mountain Oolong!
Li Shan, or Pear Mountain, is the most prestigious place name of all Taiwan's High Mountain Tea growing regions. Li Shan and its neighbor, Da Yu Ling, are the highest elevation tea growing regions in Taiwan. Elevation is only one contributing factor to this esteemed location, however, in terms of the ideal conditions for growing tea. It also is about the geographic positioning of this mountain ridge that faces northeast. The wind patterns that form in this landscape enhance the diurnal temperature variation, and bring daily fog that rises up from the valley floor below. Our Li Shan tea comes from a farm situated at the top of the ridge above a reservoir, from which the fog rises directly. At just over 2000m, our source is not the highest of the Li Shan farms, but it is positioned almost perfectly to reap the benefits of these daily weather patterns.
The leaf growth at this high elevation is most notably distinguished by its thick, hardy stems and substantial leaves. These leaves are nearing their prime growth stage, and are still full of vitality. This is exhibited by the angled contours in the leaves. Not long after this, the leaves will flatten, and transform from their tender new growth constitution to a more toughened older growth on the tree.
We feel quite lucky to have found our source of Li Shan High Mountain Tea a few years ago, when we were scouting about in the Alishan High Mountain Tea growing region far to the south of Li Shan. This family is a well-known source of quality tea by many tea competition players. They have over 30 years of hands-on experience, and their produce is in very high demand!
We think this is the best batch of Lishan tea that we've had in the last few years! Unfortunately, a frost that hit early in the growing season, along with the early harvest time have impacted the yield. We have a very limited amount of Lishan spring tea to share. So we suggest you get your share before it's gone!
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